Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Stability - foundations

When life pushes hard
And I’m rocked to the core
I stand here and now
On what ‘s laid before

How strong are your foundations? How stable do you feel?

A few years ago when on an EFT (tapping) course I took a really good look at my foundations.. I imagined them as colored bricks.. that had had been put into place as I moved through my childhood..
and they were in a terrible state. .made of all kind of rubbish that my parents had thought was true.. and things I had concluded in difficult and confusing situations.. no wonder I was so easily knocked off balance... not feeling earthed or grounded... drifting not stepping out... my foundations were unstable...

So since I was there... and my imagination was happy to play.. I called in some imaginary builders and set to work.. I threw out the rubbish and replaced many bricks with stronger more powerful ones... I brought in a power washer and dissolved ones that were made of c*** (sorry but it's true - I did) and played with my imagination until they felt better...

I remember standing up afterwards and feeling my balance had changed...I felt much stronger.. more steady on my feet.. more stable somehow..

So again I ask..how strong and stable are your foundations? You might want to join me in using your imagination to have a look at them alter what you find.. 

Close your eyes.. take a few deep breaths and focus on your heart area..the centre of your chest.. Have a look at your own foundations of just get a feeling for what is there.. don't worry if you imagine something strange.. trust your own inner wisdom to guide you to make the changes that are right for you.. It helped me..it may help you.. 

I've gone on to explore many of these bricks one by one... taking them and turning them in my hands until their truth is unlocked and revealed to me.. but that is another story for another day :-)

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