1. ability to act
2. strength
3. authority
4. mechanical energy
Opposite:- powerlessness, weakness, inability to act
For now lets focus on defining power - yes we all have muscles and the ability to use them , we all have measurable energy running through our bodies. But where does it come from? mechanically we are very well built - clever pieces of engineering which are self sustaining provided we eat and drink enough to keep us functioning.
Some of us might be physically stronger than others so does that mean they have more power? power to do what? If it is power to lift or open something then maybe they do... men are born physically stronger - genetically they usually have bigger frames and muscles... but I have seen many small women controlling many big men... so maybe physical power is not the only kind of power there is?
What about inner power - the courage to act...inner strength... where does that power come from? How do we get it? exchange it? hold on to it? what increases and decreases our personal power?
Small children are born with full power - lets say they arrive with 100% power - you can see that they are fearless explorers and often believe they are the center of the universe... this allows them to make enough demands on the people around them to get their own needs met and survive to adulthood.
But when they are told they are not the center of the universe - and they discover their own limitations children often begin to lose power - they are told they cannot.. must not... should not even try as they are too small... and often their power levels drop. I don't think any of us make it through to adulthood with 100% power so now what can we do? we want to to be powerful - it feels good to be powerful - and not so good to be powerless so we find other ways to top it up.
We might
Raise our power with good food and exercise
Take it from other people
Persuade people to give us theirs
Have you ever been with someone who drains you - you've been with them for a few hours and you've just become exhausted? they are a bit like energy vampires and suck the power out of you - its not that they mean to - its just that they have found a way to keep their power topped up and it kinda works for them - even if it does not work so well for you. We all exchange energy and power with other people all the time - so its good to know as much as we can about how to top ours up safely and how to stop ourselves becoming drained.
There are two ways to top up our power- one is to take control - not of others but of our own lives. If life is a journey - each one of us has an individual one to make and it may be time to get back in the driving seat and choose your own destination and route. This is a power-full thing to do.
The other is to connect to source - either through contact with nature or with some kind of spiritual path or practice. This reminds us who we really are - and allows us to top our power back up to 100% True power comes from within and only going within can you find and release it.

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