1 a clear and sharply defined central point or image
2 a point of attention or activiity
3 the position of a viewed object to produce a clear image: in focus or out of focus
Are your goals and dreams in focus? or out of focus?
Where do you place your attention? We all have busy lives with commitments to work environment and people..commitments to the outer world... which take our time and our attention.. but for now let's focus on the time between those commitments.. when we have unlimited choice about where we place our focus.. lots of opportunities to choose what we give or time and attention..
If there was a currency of time and energy how would you be spending yours? Don't let guilt come in here... this is just us looking like a fly on the wall.. just watching and being curious about what is going on.. maybe it would be useful to grab some paper and just map it out.. Let's use time.. how do you spend yours? I have no judgement about what you do.. I am just curious.. be curious with me.. for you have been running your pattens out of habit.. and this is an opportunity to notice your pattens.. to discover if they are what you would consciously choose... if you stopped to notice what you are doing..
So how many hours of uncommitted time do you have each day.. and how do you choose to spend them. .what do you give your time and attention?
Make a list of the free hours, and what you do with them - and just notice what you have been doing...
The next question is - is what you are doing working for you? Are your actions taking you towards your dreams?
Pick three things you would you like to achieve this year (you can always come back and choose three more once those are ticked off)
How would your life time in a years be if you achieved them?
How will it be if you do not achieve them?
Again i have no judgement... I am just wondering... so wonder with me...
Are you taking any steps to reach them? any movements towards making them real?
Wat would be the first step?
The last step?
The steps in between?
Are you giving them enough time and energy?
What could you do differently?
What can you do to make those steps towards them more fun?
Remember that the old patterns have been traveled for so long that they have crated ruts in your road through life, these can be difficult to move out of... so appreciate every effort you make as you will be setting out on uncharted territory... taking new roads... and it may take a while until you create new patterns and ruts in those... until they become the established ways to act and be...

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