Dictionary definition includes:-
1 the act or process of growing
2 development
3 gradual increase in size or stage of development
4 development from a simpler to a more complex stage.
1 the act or process of growing
2 development
3 gradual increase in size or stage of development
4 development from a simpler to a more complex stage.
Opposite:- decline, decrease, stagnation, death
So are you growing? the plants and trees automatically turn towards the light - recognising it as a source of light - so where is your focus - on the lighter happier things in your world or the darkness? Do you hold your head up high or find yourself looking down in despair?
As human beings we are part of the cycle of life - even if we wanted to we could not stop the world rotating and time from passing. It would like trying to stop the tide from turning and the waves from crashing to the shore. I suppose we could try to stay exactly the same, hold on to how things are right now or how they were one day in the past, but like sand or water events will always slip through our fingers, or wash over us and time will just move on.
Maybe it is not about whether or not we grow- but in what direction are we growing, which way we are focused and heading... are we on a path that takes us towards freedom, peace, joy and the good things in life, or are we making choices that lead us in a different direction? If we make a decision about the direction we want to travel - maybe decide to focus on our dreams - then how can we grow so we reach them?
And if we are going to be growing anyway - what are the practical steps that will allow us to grow in the most healthy happy and joyous way?
What does a seed do? we all have seeds of potential in us... our dreams of being more..doing more... becoming more... and a seed needs nourishment to grow... first the basics, food and water (like us) good soil and lots of clean water will help any plant to grow bigger and stronger, to put down deep roots that form good solid foundations. Then the growth really begins, every day a little more growth, a few more leaves, another branch. It is a slow process, often taking months or years, but plants do not give up easily, they push away the soil, they listen to their own inner knowing... they instinctively know which way is up, which way will lead them to the light and heat that will nourish and feed them, help them grow to reach their potential, to flower and bloom, to share the beauty and joy they hold inside. Then to create more seeds so that the cycle or spiral can continue to grow and expand.
And we too need nourishment to grow... if we too have the courage to follow our instincts... if we move towards our dreams and the light that surrounds them may soon find that our growth has allowed us to reach our own goals and dreams.
When we nourish our bodies they grow and allow us to explore new opportunities and experiences.
When we nourish our minds we grow in intellectual knowledge and open up restrictive boxes - allowing us to make more exciting and interesting choices.
When we nourish our souls we listen to our deepest inner knowing - not the voice in our heads... not the logic thinking mind part of us, not the little critical voice that on that sits on our shoulder and whispers in our ear - but the other one - the voice that is quiet until you stop and really listen..the quiet voice within our hearts - this is the voice of our soul and it sings and dances with joy when it is heard and fed with love and kindness.
Do you nourish your body? Do you nourish your mind? Do you nourish your soul? Are you growing in the direction you want to grow? which areas of your life would benefit from more regular nourishment so you can grow and really reach your full potential?

When we nourish our souls we listen to our deepest inner knowing - not the voice in our heads... not the logic thinking mind part of us, not the little critical voice that on that sits on our shoulder and whispers in our ear - but the other one - the voice that is quiet until you stop and really listen..the quiet voice within our hearts - this is the voice of our soul and it sings and dances with joy when it is heard and fed with love and kindness.
Do you nourish your body? Do you nourish your mind? Do you nourish your soul? Are you growing in the direction you want to grow? which areas of your life would benefit from more regular nourishment so you can grow and really reach your full potential?

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