It ripples out from me
All my thoughts and actions
Touch friends and family
What we feel spreads - Have you ever visited with someone who is very negative and come away feeling worse than you did when you arrived? Have you ever been with someone who is in a rally silly mood and ended up joining in... joking and having lots of fun?
My daughter once said to me (age 7) My friend Rob is infectious - his silliness is catching! She had noticed that one mischievous child in a classroom was enough to spread the mischief through the class until the teacher had difficulty controlling the class...
So what are you spreading out into the world today? Dark or light energy? positive or negative ideas and thoughts?
This blog is my attempt to spread these 60 positive words - to make a positive difference to someone... maybe many people... it is part of my mission to share wisdom and light... part of my purpose to drop a positive idea into the pond of truth and watch it spread... moving outward... rippling across the planet...
Today I choose to spread the idea that we are more connected than we realise.. we are connected to every other living thing on this planet... through our dense physical energy.... and our presence on this earth... through the impact we make as we take each step... through the footprints we leave behind us as we walk through our day... because what we do... individually... as a a culture... as humanity... impacts on each other... on our home planet... and on our lives...
We are connected through our higher spiritual energy... we came from the same place... a collective of souls... one source.. choosing to have a human experience... in a human body... in order to know ourselves... for if we are light and perfection... what is light without shadow? What is perfection without imperfection? The greatest experience comes from more diversity... it comes with many mirrors... it is the reason none of us look or act exactly the same... it is part of the plan that we show up as different... so we can work out who we are...
If the source is one big light... we have chosen to be little sparks... just for the experience of being a spark... with it's sparkles.. its adventures... in a world of other sparks on the same adventure... the same yet different... what we do to one spark effects all the other sparks... making them duller or brighter depending on our glow...
When we put our physical presence together we weigh more... make more impact on the earth... when we combine our spiritual energies it merges... and becomes more powerful... brighter... brings more light... revealing more truth....
The truth is there are no real boundaries... except the ones we imagine to be there... and when we stop and use our imagination differently... we notice that we are all connected... in all ways... always...
Also see other pages on this blog
Connection - campfire
Gratitude - noticing

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