1 strength
2 ability & competency to act
Opposite:- inability incapacity, weakness
I've been focusing on power for a while now..letting its secrets unfold.. For many lifetimes now I have believed that my expectations frustration and even anger and rage were powerful.. they certainly made me feel powerful.. I hoped that by expecting... by trying to control the people around me I would feel power full.. and feeling weak was really scarey so I've held on tight to these things - I've made them important in my life...
Today I realised that I have been using them to mask what is underneath them.. my fears of being out of control.. and today I have opened up to the possibility that they might be another way..something else I could think and feel instead.that might have better results for me and for the people around me.
I have discovered that real power is not a raging controlling thing.. it does not seek to control others... is a quiet still peaceful thing.. that watches rather than trying to control anything.. that appreciates what comes rather than expecting anything..
When I feel really powerful I never need to run from my fears or mask over them with expectations.. when i am powerful there is a kind of strength that comes from deep within me... and I know I can face anything that comes with a calm strength... I think calm strong thoughts, communicate with others calmly and with strength and can take each action with this calm strength running through me... allowing me to deal with any situation fearlessly...
When I am strong... it is as if nothing can stop me... what I fear is not real... it is only stories and illusions.. tricks of the mind to keep me from my power...
So real power is there inside us all the time.. covered and hidden under layers of fear doubt and frustration.. rage at what is... and as we peel away the layers it is revealed in all its glory :-)

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