Definition of Gratitude:-
1 the quality or feeling of being grateful
2 appreciation, thankfulness
3 recognition and honor of what is
Opposite:- ingratitude, thanklessness
I wonder if we counted how many times we complain and how many times we appreciate our gifts each day..which list would be bigger the negative one or the positive one?
Have you ever noticed that two people can go to the same place and have the same experience..but have hugely different versions of what happened based on what they are looking for? One person loving every moment and another finding it hard or depressing based on what they are focused on - what they notice...
What happens to us as we travel through our day if we focus our attention on looking for all the things that are negative.. and what might happen if we choose a different focus.. if we chose to see our world in a different way?
Could we change our dark glasses for some different coloured ones and view the world differently?
Have you ever stopped for a moment to really count your blessings?I mean t literally making a list and counting them... It can be fun and very rewarding..
If I start one today.. I am grateful for my sight so I can see what I am writing.. my fingers to write with.. my laptop and my phone - which are working well today.. my warm and comfortable chair.. my education so I can write easily.. the roof over my head.. electricity - because its getting dark.. oh yes the sun and light.. the twinkly stars at night and the dark which kind of balances out the light times and helps me sleep.. sleep... yeas very useful... my cosy comfy bed :-) the trees which produce the oxygen I breathe.. oh yes breath itself.. lungs.. a mouth.. tasty food - especially chocolate! fresh clean water.. which is hot when I want it hot... clothes - especially when it is cold or rainy... shoes and socks (a very clever invention) friends... family... a meal cooked for me... a cup of tea or coffee.. having the choice to choose tea or coffee... juice... good cider (yum) ... water again because it helps keep me alive... I could go on and on and on..just give it a try its fun.. If you do it for a few days you may soon look back and find that there are more things on your positive list than your negative one :-)
Also see other pages
Aceptance - It is perfect
Abundance - attracting

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