1.the act of taking or receiving something offered
3.the act of receiving or believing
4.the fact or state of being accepting, accepted or acceptable
Refusal to accept, disagreement, judgement
Judgement or acceptance? Most of us would probably choose acceptance every time.. yet find ourselves judging anyway... it sometimes seems that we are programmed to judge.. that it is hardwired in to human beings..
Yet I don't see babies or small children making judgements.. they know what they like and dislike in the moment and let people know.. but they don't seem to measure themselves against others until they are older... until they are taught to by their parents or society..
Maybe it is one of or cultural stories that has a strong message of judgement that is responsible.. I have no wish to offend those readers with strong religious views but for me it seems that our beliefs in a jealous and judgmental God maybe form part of our need to judge..
Here in the west we run a story that has become part of our culture - it is hardwired into our society... we believe in a judgmental God who has decided we must pass certain tests during this life time... this has set us up in competition with each other... each one trying to get it right... competing to prove they are right and worrying about failing to pass the test... however we have no clearly explained rules to this particular game.. and for some reason created to be amazingly imperfect and constantly learning through trial and error so making many mistakes on our individual journeys..
If there is a God who had a hand in the design of what is... surely he or she cannot then complain at the results?
For me if there is a being up in the sky looking down it is not with judgement but with love and understanding..for he or she must be able to see all our struggles and confusion.. they must realise we make mistakes based on what we have learnt up to that point in time and space.. and cannot know more that we do in each moment...
He or she would see the perfection in our imperfection for it must be part of the plan for us to be imperfect..we all do it so beautifully :-)
So maybe..just maybe this is not a test but an adventure..maybe there is no right or wrong..just lots to learn and experience..
Maybe it is safe to let go of soften our gaze and watch with loving eyes at the flawed human beings that cross our paths each day..and maybe even accept them as they are..
And maybe..just maybe... we might even accept the flawed yet beautiful soul that looks back at us when we look deeply into the eyes... of the person we see when we look in the mirror..

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