Dictionary definition:-
1 belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing
2 belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities
3 self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance (His lack of confidence defeated him)
Opposite:- uncertainty, lack of confidence
How often does your lack of confidence defeat you? there is a saying - whether we believe we can or believe we can - it is true - so do you believe you can - or believe you cant?
When you were young did anyone ever say you will get to big for your boots? And as you grew - did you get too big for your boots? and then what happened? I wonder if now your feet have stropped growing your boots feel comfortable on your feet - is it now possible to get too big for your boots? so what could the consequences of amazing confidence be for you? would it be bad or good to have more confidence - more self belief?
Were you told that if you had too much confidence your head would not fit through the door as you would get big headed? have you noticed that yes your head grew as a child but now it has stopped as you are an adult - and even the most confident people never really seemed to have a big problem fitting through doors?
What happens if what we were told was muddled up and just not true?
What would happen if even though our parents wanted to limit our fearlessness and confidence as children to keep us cautious or safe - as adults we are allowed to choose to be more confident - what if we can now be trusted to run fast, shout loud, climb a ladder or do other things that adults are allowed to do? So who limits us now?
What happens if unlimited confidence is not dangerous - but exciting and full of new possibilities?

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