Release - the process of letting go...
It's time to let go
It's time that I grieved
To mourn expectations
And what I believed
Explore positive simple words and the secrets about life that they reveal. Live Love and Enjoy
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Monday, 27 May 2013
Release - on passing
My mother passed yesterday...
She will be missed but not forgotten....
She will be missed but not forgotten....
As I connected with her... these were her words...
Do not think I left you
For I am by your side
In ways I could not be before
However hard I tried
Friday, 24 May 2013
Connection - sharing
Everything I’m choosing
It ripples out from me
All my thoughts and actions
Touch friends and family
What we feel spreads - Have you ever visited with someone who is very negative and come away feeling worse than you did when you arrived? Have you ever been with someone who is in a rally silly mood and ended up joining in... joking and having lots of fun?
It ripples out from me
All my thoughts and actions
Touch friends and family
What we feel spreads - Have you ever visited with someone who is very negative and come away feeling worse than you did when you arrived? Have you ever been with someone who is in a rally silly mood and ended up joining in... joking and having lots of fun?
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Connection - campfire
Today I would like to share with you how I talk to my guides, the parts of me in conflict and my past life characters.. I do it at a campfire..
As a child I was not aware of any psychic ability just a yearning to know.. but now I have learnt to listen... and it has brought me such wisdom that I would like you to know how... it may not work for everyone.. but it may work for some people and that will make it worth writing ...
As a child I was not aware of any psychic ability just a yearning to know.. but now I have learnt to listen... and it has brought me such wisdom that I would like you to know how... it may not work for everyone.. but it may work for some people and that will make it worth writing ...
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Honour - Namaste
Definition of Honour
1 to give or win respect, regard, esteem, credit etc.
2 to show courteous behavior towards
3 to keep (one's promise); fulfill (a previous agreement)
Opposite - to disrespect or break one's word, to betray
1 to give or win respect, regard, esteem, credit etc.
2 to show courteous behavior towards
3 to keep (one's promise); fulfill (a previous agreement)
Opposite - to disrespect or break one's word, to betray
honour us all
Each part that we play
Time spent together
As we find our own way
Each part that we play
Time spent together
As we find our own way
These children and I offer you a greeting.. Namaste to you - which means...
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Stability - foundations
When life pushes
And I’m rocked to
the core
I stand here and
On what ‘s laid
How strong are your foundations? How stable do you feel?
A few years ago when on an EFT (tapping) course I took a really good look at my foundations.. I imagined them as colored bricks.. that had had been put into place as I moved through my childhood..
Acceptance - it is perfect
Part Definition:- the fact or state of being accepted or acceptable
I woke this morning with the phrase 'it is perfect' running through my mind and it reaching my heart.. So I looked back into my past and checked if that was true..
As I looked over each event I noticed that I had tried to understand it at the time...but been confused... and the memories I still held onto the most tightly were the most confusing ones...
I woke this morning with the phrase 'it is perfect' running through my mind and it reaching my heart.. So I looked back into my past and checked if that was true..
As I looked over each event I noticed that I had tried to understand it at the time...but been confused... and the memories I still held onto the most tightly were the most confusing ones...
Monday, 20 May 2013
Focus - time
1 a clear and sharply defined central point or image
2 a point of attention or activiity
3 the position of a viewed object to produce a clear image: in focus or out of focus
Are your goals and dreams in focus? or out of focus?
Where do you place your attention? We all have busy lives with commitments to work environment and people..commitments to the outer world... which take our time and our attention.. but for now let's focus on the time between those commitments.. when we have unlimited choice about where we place our focus.. lots of opportunities to choose what we give or time and attention..
1 a clear and sharply defined central point or image
2 a point of attention or activiity
3 the position of a viewed object to produce a clear image: in focus or out of focus
Are your goals and dreams in focus? or out of focus?
Where do you place your attention? We all have busy lives with commitments to work environment and people..commitments to the outer world... which take our time and our attention.. but for now let's focus on the time between those commitments.. when we have unlimited choice about where we place our focus.. lots of opportunities to choose what we give or time and attention..
Surrender - handlebars
1 to yield (something) to the possession or control of another
2 to give oneself up to some influence
Opposite:- battle, fight, take control of, win
Surrender is a big word.. it speaks of ultimate trust.. of letting go of control.. its like riding a bike without hands on the handlebars.. trusting that someone or something will keep us safe.. keep us from the pain that we know comes if we fall off and tumble into the road..
The kind of surrender I am talking about is one where we trust this process called life.. To unfold as it supposed to..
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Acceptance - woven on high
Definition:- the state of being accepting, accepted or acceptable
Why do we rage at what is? Why do we battle with life and what is happening around us?
Today I am going up to a point where I can see the truth of this.. I will travel with my guide Arthurus who is a very wise dragon :-)
Up up up... limitless limitless freedom and the world so small... I am being shown the perfection of the unfolding.. how everything is like a well oiled machine... intricate... beautiful and so perfect..
Questions - ask me?
I have placed a list of the words into a table - then onto a page which you can find in the right hand menu of this blog.
If you have any questions..or would like me to focus on one of the words for you..please add a comment to this post and I will do my best to answer your question :-)
Acceptance - judgement
1.the act of taking or receiving something offered
3.the act of receiving or believing
4.the fact or state of being accepting, accepted or acceptable
Refusal to accept, disagreement, judgement
Judgement or acceptance? Most of us would probably choose acceptance every time.. yet find ourselves judging anyway... it sometimes seems that we are programmed to judge.. that it is hardwired in to human beings..
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Power - inner
1 strength
2 ability & competency to act
Opposite:- inability incapacity, weakness
I've been focusing on power for a while now..letting its secrets unfold.. For many lifetimes now I have believed that my expectations frustration and even anger and rage were powerful.. they certainly made me feel powerful.. I hoped that by expecting... by trying to control the people around me I would feel power full.. and feeling weak was really scarey so I've held on tight to these things - I've made them important in my life...
Friday, 17 May 2013
Power - nourishing

1. ability to act
2. strength
3. authority
4. mechanical energy
Opposite:- powerlessness, weakness, inability to act
For now lets focus on defining power - yes we all have muscles and the ability to use them , we all have measurable energy running through our bodies. But where does it come from? mechanically we are very well built - clever pieces of engineering which are self sustaining provided we eat and drink enough to keep us functioning.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Abundance - attraction
Definition includes -
1 an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply
2 overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart.
3 affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance.
2 overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart.
3 affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance.
Opposite : Scarcity
Abundance is an interesting word - many people may use it for unlimited money - but as you can see from the definition it includes wealth of other kinds. If you could have an unlimited amount of fun, joy, happiness, love, peace and freedom would you really need money? If all of those things were freely available to everyone would any of us need money?
Growth - direction
Dictionary definition includes:-
1 the act or process of growing
2 development
3 gradual increase in size or stage of development
4 development from a simpler to a more complex stage.
1 the act or process of growing
2 development
3 gradual increase in size or stage of development
4 development from a simpler to a more complex stage.
Opposite:- decline, decrease, stagnation, death
So are you growing? the plants and trees automatically turn towards the light - recognising it as a source of light - so where is your focus - on the lighter happier things in your world or the darkness? Do you hold your head up high or find yourself looking down in despair?
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Release - wall rhyme
I love writing rhymes - hopefully soon they will be published
The Walls
I’ve built barriers around me
They’re made of fear and pain
When the walls come down
Then I’ll be free again
I can move out of the shadows
My future clear and bright
When the walls come down
Then the darkness turns to light
I have been the builder
But there’s no more need to hide
When the walls come down
Gratitude - noticing
Definition of Gratitude:-
1 the quality or feeling of being grateful
2 appreciation, thankfulness
3 recognition and honor of what is
Opposite:- ingratitude, thanklessness
I wonder if we counted how many times we complain and how many times we appreciate our gifts each day..which list would be bigger the negative one or the positive one?
Have you ever noticed that two people can go to the same place and have the same experience..but have hugely different versions of what happened based on what they are looking for? One person loving every moment and another finding it hard or depressing based on what they are focused on - what they notice...
Confidence - truth
Dictionary definition:-
1 belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing
2 belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities
3 self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance (His lack of confidence defeated him)
Opposite:- uncertainty, lack of confidence
How often does your lack of confidence defeat you? there is a saying - whether we believe we can or believe we can - it is true - so do you believe you can - or believe you cant?
60 Words
This blog is based on 60 carefully chosen positive words - they are words of great power that I have been working with for many years now - they have changed my life and i hope they can help make a difference to yours.
By focusing on them each day - and then sending them out into the world - I hope they will spread like the ripples in a pond - so they reach into your lives
Maybe together we can make a positive difference and spread a little more positive energy out into the world.
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